23 Φεβρουαρίου, 2021

Webinars Offered by the Office of Greek Education 200 Years Since the Greek Revolution


The Director of Greek Education, Mr. Anastasios Koularmanis in cooperation with Mrs. Athena Kromidas the President of the High Council for Greek Education, and the Museum of School Life and Education (Μουσείο Σχολικής Ζωής και Εκπαίδευσης) will be offering monthly educational webinars related to the topic of, “200 Years Since the Greek Revolution”.

Each webinar will focus on different aspects of the Greek Revolution and the various ways children can learn about various topics related to this event. Teachers will have the opportunity to explore various matters, lessons and activities which can be shared with their students. These webinars are open to all that wish to participate. In order to receive a link to these events, we ask that you subscribe to the Department’s email list. Please feel free to contact the Director Mr. Anastasios Koularmanis if you have any further questions.

To subscribe to the department’s email list please visit: https://www.goarch.org/departments/greekeducation

