26 Νοεμβρίου, 2019

Your daily focus on Orthodoxy and faith – One year since the commencement of the Orthodoxia News Agency – (VIDEO)


Today marks the one-year anniversary of the operation of the Orthodoxia News Agency – a pioneering endeavor in the field of global ecclesiastical journalism – complete with daily news briefings, on-site reports, exclusive items, coverage of international developments, interviews and current affairs, as well as original documentaries.

The primary idea behind the Orthodoxia News Agency is to calmly and reliably inform readers and viewers in every corner of the world of ecclesiastical issues and developments, particularly those affecting Orthodoxy and Orthodox Churches.

At the same time, this news agency aims to showcase Orthodox Metropolises, Monasteries and Foundations, while providing Church hierarchs with a venue where they can present their views, knowledge and experience – often, for the first time to a broader audience – on the work of the Church and the issues affecting the faithful.

All of the Orthodoxia News Agency‘s staff and associates wish to thank you, our readers and viewers, for the trust you’ve show us. On our part, we’d like to assure you that, with the Grace of the Almighty, we will continue to strive to be a platform for responsible and objective journalism and information.
