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08.12.2018 | 18:24
President Moon Jae-in meets with Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I (video)

President Moon met with the head of the Orthodox Church — the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew the First. The South Korean leader said he greatly appreciates the patriarch’s dedication to the movement to reconcile different religions and sects as well as to the conservation of ecology and the environment. He asked for the Patriarch’s wisdom and…

08.12.2018 | 16:53
Pew Research: Romania is the most religious country in Europe

Romania ranks first among 34 countries in Europe included in an analysis of Pew Research Center, which looked at the countries’ levels of religious commitment. The study took into account four common measures of religious observance, namely religious service attendance, prayer frequency, belief in God and self-described importance of religion in one’s life. According to the…

08.12.2018 | 12:27
Ukrainian Orthodox Church Synod says its episcopate, parishioners pressured, persecuted

Kiev, December 7, Interfax – The Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) said its bishops, other clerics and parishioners were being pressured following the Bishops’ Assembly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church on November 13. “Following the Bishops’ Assembly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which took place on November 13, 2018, pressure has…

08.12.2018 | 12:14
Synod entrusts the Primate to notify Local Churches of pressure on UOC

At its last meeting in 2018, the UOC Synod decided to report anti-constitutional policy of authorities toward the Church to Local Churches, Embassies, and the Ombudsman. On December 7, 2018, a final meeting of the Holy Synod of the UOC was held at the residence of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude…

08.12.2018 | 12:04
UOC Synod resolves to consider “Unification Council” as unlawful assembly

The members of the Holy Synod of the UOC did not bless the episcopate, clergy, monkhood, and laity to participate in the “unification council”. On December 7, 2018, the Primate of the UOC, His Beatitude Onufriy, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, informed all the bishops of the decisions of the Holy Synod of the…

08.12.2018 | 11:31
Phanar – to His Beatitude: You will remain Metropolitan till the Council

A letter of Pat. Bartholomew to Met. Onufriy is published, in which Phanar says that in case of refusal to take part in the “council,” the UOC head will be a schismatic. Patriarch Bartholomew sent a letter to His Beatitude Metropolitan Onufriy urging him, “willingly, in the spirit of harmony and unity with the hierarchy…

08.12.2018 | 11:29
His Beatitude sends a letter of Patriarch Bartholomew back to Phanar

His Beatitude Onufriy and other hierarchs of the UOC, who received invitations to the “Unification Council”, sent them back without a reply to the sender — Phanar. His Beatitude Onufriy, having received a letter from Patriarch Bartholomew with an invitation to the “unification council,” sealed the message in an envelope and sent it back to…

07.12.2018 | 21:46
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill chairs jubilee session of the Presidium of the Interreligious Council of Russia

On 6 December 2018, at the Patriarchal and Synodal Residence in St. Daniel’s Monastery in Moscow the Presidium of the Interreligious Council of Russia (ICR) held a grand meeting marking the 20th anniversary of the foundation of this organization. The session was chaired by the ICR Chairman Emeritus, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and…

07.12.2018 | 13:42
Patriarch Kirill: Mister Poroshenko violates Constitution of his country

In Ukraine, there is an unprecedented interference in the Church affairs, the ROC Primate commented on recent events in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko violates the Constitution of his own state when he interferes in religious matters and tries to manage Churches and the religious process, the official website of the…

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