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04.12.2018 | 11:26
Councils of Russian Orthodox Church’s dioceses in Germany issue joint statement concerning the situation caused by anti-canonical actions of Patriarchate of Constantinople in Ukraine

On the 29th of November 2018, the first joint session of the Diocesan Councils of the diocese of Berlin and Germany of the Moscow Patriarchate and the diocese of Germany of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia took place at the Convent of the Venerable Martyr Elizabeth the Grand Duchess in Buchendorf, in the…

03.12.2018 | 14:36
4 bishops, hundreds of pilgrims flock to Athos to commemorate Dochariou abbot on 40th day of his repose (video)

December 1 marked the 40th day of the repose of the greatly beloved abbot of Dochariou Monastery on Mt. Athos, Archimandrite Gregory (Zumis). The Church especially prays for the reposed on the fortieth day because it is then that the soul is it appointed its place until the resurrection of the dead at the Lord’s…

02.12.2018 | 9:44
Ontario Premier Doug Ford Celebrates Patronal Feast of the Ecumenical Patriarchate

  The Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, today sent our Holy Metropolis formal greetings to celebrate both St. Andrew the First-Called Apostle and the Patronal Feast of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. The Premier’s thoughtful message acknowledges the importance of today’s feast day for the “vibrant Orthodox Christian community” in the province. The Premier…

01.12.2018 | 18:01
Bartholomew’s actions contributed to Black Sea region instability, undermine Minsk agreement – Russian Orthodox Church

Moscow, Interfax – The activities of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople are increasingly taking on a political nature, making him a factor of international destabilization in the Black Sea region, the Moscow Patriarchate said. “In the Russian society, among religious people, there exists categorical non-acceptance of Fener’s actions. These are seen as encroaching on the unity…

01.12.2018 | 17:45
Ukrainian authorities feeding Pat. Bartholomew false information, Orthodox assembly President concludes after meeting with him

Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople is sorely misinformed about events in Ukraine and about the desires of the Ukrainian people, Sergei Gavrilov, the President of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy, commented after meeting with the Patriarch and members of the Holy Synod in Constantinople. As Gavrilov told RIA-Novosti, Pat. Bartholomew believes the “unification council” that will…

01.12.2018 | 17:34
Ukrainian “unification council” reportedly to be held in December

The Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Constantinople ended its session on Thursday, November 29, 2018. As the Patriarchate previously announced it would, the date for the “unification council,” whereby a new church will be created in Ukraine, was reportedly set during this session. According to a report from the Greek portal orthodoxia.info, the council…

01.12.2018 | 11:52
Patriarchs of Jerusalem, Romania concelebrate Divine Liturgy for National Cathedral first patronal feast

His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem and Patriarch Daniel of Romania on Friday concelebrated the Divine Liturgy for the first patronal feast of the newly-consecrated National Cathedral dedicated to Saint Andrew the First Called. Concelebrants for the Divine Liturgy included several hierarchs of the Romanian Orthodox Church. Patriarchal homily In his homily delivered after…

01.12.2018 | 11:48
Connection between National Cathedral and St John Jacob the New Chosebite explained

Although Saint John Jacob chose to live in the desert of Hozeva, almost 3,000 km far away from his homeland Romania, a particle of his holy relics will be enshrined in the National Cathedral and that is not accidental. A fragment of St John Jacob the New Chosebite’s holy relics and the epitrachelion he wore…

30.11.2018 | 17:46
Orthodox Church of Antioch receives aid from Russia for restoring churches in Syria destroyed during the hostilities

On 29 November 2018, at the Dormition Convent of the Orthodox Church of Antioch, located near the city of Tartus, Syria, His Beatitude Patriarch John X of the Great Antioch and All the East met with Hegumen Arseniy (Sokolov), representative of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to the Patriarchal Throne of Antioch. During…

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