21/12/2020 21/12/2020 4rth e-Synaxis from Holy Mount Athos with Elder Ephraim and the faithful of the Saint Nicholas and Saint John the Apostle Students Church in Cluj-Napoca, Romania https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcudeysqDgrGdAeDoTJPgmlj-7mtXbUDDLL
21 Δεκεμβρίου, 2020 - 12:47

4rth e-Synaxis from Holy Mount Athos with Elder Ephraim and the faithful of the Saint Nicholas and Saint John the Apostle Students Church in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

4rth e-Synaxis from Holy Mount Athos with Elder Ephraim and the faithful of the Saint Nicholas and Saint John the Apostle Students Church in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

4rth e-Synaxis from Holy Mount Athos with Elder Ephraim and the faithful of the Saint Nicholas and Saint John the Apostle Students Church in Cluj-Napoca, Romania


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